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4 Ways to Commemorate Your College Graduation

4 Ways to Commemorate Your College Graduation

College graduation is an interesting time. On the one hand, we are thrilled to celebrate the reward of our hard work, but on the other hand, some of us are already stressing out about full-time jobs and taking the next big steps in our lives. However, graduating from college is an extremely special achievement. It is one that needs to be paused over, acknowledged, and celebrated. Here are a few simple, but unique ways to make your college graduation memorable.

Wear Your Accomplishments With College Jewelry

After four or more years at a university, chances are that your school holds a special place in your heart. Carry memories of this important juncture in your life with college jewelry that sports your school’s mascot or logo. This is an excellent way to hold on to symbols of college while also recognizing a new phase in your life. You can find many pieces that are just the perfect balance of style, elegance, and personality.

For instance, graduates of Colorado University can get CU jewelry featuring Ralphie the Buffalo. Or, you can find pieces with the school’s logo that are a strong, yet understated way to honor your college experience. If you prefer the rugged look of leather, then a simple, soft leather bracelet can be a casual addition to your everyday wear for both men and women. There are several things you could give yourself as a CU graduation gift, however, college jewelry is the perfect balance between your life as a student and your life as a professional.

Plan an Excursion

College is a busy time. Weekends are reserved for catching up on sleep, picking up a few extra hours, and studying for next week’s exams. Once you graduate, however, you’ve finally got some free time on your hands. Why not fill it with something fun? A camping trip, a day at the spa, or even just a relaxing day at the beach can be a great way to mark the transition to life after college.

If you start planning and saving early enough, you can turn this excursion into a full-blown vacation to a destination you’ve always wanted to visit. You might even want to bring along a few friends! Some of the best friends you’ll have in life are those you meet in college, but it’s no secret that work, family obligations, and life in general will make it harder for you to spend as much time together as you did while you were in college. Planning a vacation together is a nice way to celebrate your time together. It might even be the start of an annual tradition that keeps you connected with college friends no matter where life takes you.

Put Together a Memory Box

If you’re like us, you’ve probably held onto quite a few things that might seem irrational and meaningful to save at the same time! Your student ID, ticket stubs from homecoming football games, sticky notes from friends, a lanyard…all of these items have special meaning and memories attached to them.

Instead of throwing these things out when you’re packing up your dorm or apartment, put together a memory box to keep these items in. If you have any photos of your college days saved on your phone, you might want to consider having these printed and added to the box as well. You’ll love having these things to look at for impromptu trips down memory lane. If you have children someday, they’ll enjoy getting to see mom’s or dad’s friends from college and hearing about your campus adventures.

Repurpose Your T-Shirts

If you were a part of a university club or a Greek chapter during school, chances are you’ve acquired a lot of t-shirts over the past four years. Instead of leaving them to take up space in your closet until you decide to donate them, consider using the shirts as fabric for a blanket. If you’re not crafty, don’t worry! There are plenty of online tutorials that will guide you through the process. This is a fun way to make a lasting piece of college memorabilia that is uniquely personal, and who doesn’t like having an extra blanket to pull out when you’re curled up on the couch?

Don’t let your college years go by without commemorating the occasion! Whether you prefer a little bit of self-care or are more interested in preserving your memories, you deserve to celebrate your hard work and the experiences you had.