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5 Reasons to Focus on Video Content

5 Reasons to Focus on Video Content

Online videos have been the preferred form of content consumption during the pandemic, which cements the fact that it’s the future of search and online marketing.

Here are 5 reasons why online entrepreneurs, marketers and content creators should focus on video.

Makes Your Brand More Friendly

Consumers love relatability as it lets them grow closer to the brand and its community. One of the best ways to show this is to create videos where you can recreate day-to-day events and have real people talk on the front.

Video can make your business more friendly compared to written content as long as it’s done right. When you form a deeper relationship, this gives you several benefits, including greater trust and loyalty to your products and services.

Greater Entertainment Value and Connection

The biggest selling point of video is easily its mass appeal to consumers and viewers alike. In today’s instant world, watching a video is more appealing than having to read a block of text.

SEO Central Coast firms can easily set up a strategy where video engages people and future customers. You draw in a crowd that will be entertained one way or another, and this opens up great possibilities (sharing, reaching out) both in SEO and marketing aspects.

When people are entertained they generally remember the content and brand better- think of commercials and how they have the power to be memorable even after years. This goes the same for online videos for marketing purposes.

Much-Needed SEO

Everyone who wants to make it big on the internet will have to deal with SEO one way or another. Whether you’re slowly working your way towards the top spot or having an SEO Cairns company do it for you, it’s the key to revenue, recognition and traffic.

Because video is very in demand there’s no reason not to include it in your website. When properly optimized, it’s just as good as any written content in terms of marketing, reach and engagement.

Most people deal with video by setting up a YouTube channel, but you can also take the direct-to-site or social media approach.

Shareable and Offers Viral Potential

If you’re looking for that ‘wow’ factor and the chances of making it into an internet sensation overnight, then video is the way to go. Depending on your SEO Canberra strategy, all it takes is one huge hit and you can experience an immense boost in the brand recognition and sales department.

Since video is so memorable and engaging, people often share it with their friends. Aside from the extra reach you also enjoy great marketing benefits and of course, a good return of investment.

More Accessible and Better Device Performance

Content has to be accessible on both mobile and traditional displays in order to reach more people. When people see a website or text that doesn’t fit right in their screens, chances are that they’ll go somewhere else.

You won’t experience as many issues with video, since it can be scaled down to any resolution and usually fits the screen in full screen mode.