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How can I boast my FPS?

How can I boast my FPS?

After spending a lot to set up a gaming laptop for your self and still find out that the gaming is still slow and annoying. The next thing to check it the FPS. FPS which means frame per second rate is one important expects you will help to check before you can start gaming on your laptop. Failure to check this will result in poor performance from your laptop, which leads to an underwhelming display of the games. Setting up a laptop for gaming isn’t that rosy at all. Everything must be in order for it to work perfectly. The real deal now is, how can I boast my FPS?  Well lets find out.

How can I boast my FPS? There are various ways you can boast your laptop’s FPS. They include upgrading your GPU drivers, upgrading the graphics cards, making use of SSD in place of HDD storage, reducing screen resolutions, tweaking game’s video settings. Among others are various ways to increase the FPS of your laptop to make it good for gaming.

There is no specific method of boasting your laptop’s frame rate. Each method can go along way in increasing the FPS. Some users even try all the available methods presents, so they can get high performance when playing games on their laptop. I can advise you to use a particular method reason being that what work for my laptop may not work on yours. So I urge you to try all the possible methods I will be giving here. And if you know you can afford it, you can also try using pieces of software to help boast your FPS. But if you cannot afford them just stick with the methods here.

What is low FPS and how it affects your game play?

What low frame per second rate means is that your computer lack the needed power or memory for running a particular game which results in low graphics display. What causes low FPS on your laptop could be as a result of insufficient RAM, weak graphics cards. Outdated CPU or old graphics drivers also result in low FPS of any computer. And this can greatly affect the gaming on your computer mostly laptops. As you know, games are displayed on your monitor. The number of frames that shows on your screen per second is the FPS, if this is low it will cause your game display to not function the ways it should function. A lot of games run on 30 and 60 FPS, If you have a laptop that runs on this rate everything will go smoothly with little or no problems. However, most gamers believe 60 FPS is the best. And anything short of this rate will fail on a long run. It is for this reason that most new gaming laptops run on a refresh rate of 144 to 360Hz which allow for smooth gameplay with low effect. But if your laptop is not powerful enough to get generating the  needed frame rate, the frame rate will fail. And thus will result in a drop in performance. And this will make the game look and feel like  sluggish as if it’s running on a slow motion which is not good for gaming.

Ways of boasting FPS for better performance

Like I earlier stated, there are several ways you can increase the FPS on your laptop. I will be listing the best ways in which you can try all by your self with little or no stress. These methods do not require you getting an additional device to increase the FPS on your computer. All you have to do is to follow the steps I will be listing, so you can get a desirable result.

Reduce the display resolution

Expect gamers often reduce the resolution of their laptops screen before gaming. Must people do not know this. So they suddenly notice a drop in performance of their gaming device. Several test had been carried out by experts, and they notice a serious drop in FPS during gaming when there is increase in resolution. Little reduction in resolution means increase in FPS which result to high gaming display. For instance, when a resolution is 1920 × 1080 is much better for gaming than when it is increased to 2560 × 1440. Lowering resolution means significant increase to your frame per second rate. To enjoy smooth gaming on your laptop with little issue, lowering the resolution is a necessity.

Update GPU and its driver

The GPU is one important device to note when it comes to gaming on your laptop or a desktop. The health of your GPU determines how a game will perform on your computer. It will be totally impossible to boast the FPS of your computer without considering your GPU. One great way to ripe great benefits from your GPUs is by upgrading its driver. A simple upgrade of your driver will bring a huge difference in performance of your laptop. Before you update your driver, you have top know the kind of graphics card you are using.

Window users can figure this out by going to device manager on their laptops. Haven known this, visit the manufactures’ website to download and install a compatible driver to your graphics card. However, you switching from a full HD to 4K games, you might want to upgrade the GPU to a more powerful that can support the 4K games. Failure to do this means a drop in FPS which will make your game to lag.

 Using of SSD instead of HDD

With the knowledge that the traditional HDD can handle some little titles. I do not recommend it for gaming. Reason been that it is slow, noisy and cause a lot of heating. Unlike SSD which is fast and can handle gameplay. Although SSD does not necessarily boast FPS, you don’t want to be play a game and  wait forever for it to load. SSD reduces loading time and make sure your game is ready to play within second.

Change Game Video Settings

You can also boast your FPS by changing the game’s video setting. Reason been that there are a lot of stuff that can low the FPS of the game from the settings. A little change can boast the performance of the game performance. So I encourage you try going through game settings until you find a combination that help boast game performance. One feature you can also change that boast FPS is Anti-alaising. This will help game less blur to the eyes by smoothing the line borders. This usually increase a lot of power on the pieces of hardware, reducing it a little will in turn boast FPS.

 Related Questions

Is low FPS and lagging the same?

No, low FPS and lagging are different but sometimes appear to complicate things. Low FPS is as a result of problem from your computer. Due to low power from your computer making the game slow as crazy, while lagging is a problem from your network. 

What is the targeted FPS for gamers?

I will say target FPS is preferential. Most gamers bother about  having a good connection to the graphics card than about speed. However a frame rate of 60 FPS is the best for gaming. 30 FPS and above should still be fine for gaming.

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