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How To Fight Thinning Lips

How To Fight Thinning Lips

As you age, you’ll start to experience some circles under your eyes, forehead wrinkles, laugh lines, and crow’s feet. These changes occur when you lose elastin and collagen in your skin over some time. However, the same process may also cause your lips to thin. Research shows that most people’s lips start losing thickness gradually after 16 and continue for 20 or 30 years. Collagen loss is also the culprit behind the V-shape of the upper lips.

Lips are a significant component of every person’s facial aesthetic. Ladies know that a quick swipe of lip bum or lipstick can dramatically brighten their faces. The most known procedure for maintaining fuller and juicer lips is lip injection. However, you can also use other methods. This article highlights some of those methods.

1.  Engage In Healthy Habits

It’s essential to keep your lips safe by avoiding harmful activities that may cause irreparable damage and premature aging. If you’re a smoking addict, ask your doctor to give you a plan that you can follow to quit. Additionally, when applying sunscreen on your lips, pick lip bums with at least 15 SPF and apply them within a 2-hour interval.

Drinking plenty of water and applying a lip moisturizer throughout the day will also keep it from drying out and chapping. Find moisturizers having a base of paraffin, petroleum jelly, or beeswax because they’ll seal moisture perfectly and minimize evaporation. You also want to avoid overeating processed foods and sugars. These are but a few habits that will keep both your body and lips healthy.

2.  Apply Products That Your Lips Love

When you visit a mall and stare at the skincare aisle, you may be overwhelmed by the numerous products before your eyes. You don’t have to purchase expensive lotions to keep your lips in shape. Instead, it’s advisable to stay simple. Find products with forms of vitamin A like topical retinoids. Such products have been used for decades to combat aged and damaged skin. However, it would help if you got them through prescription or over-the-counter. It would be best to consult your dermatologist on the best product to use in achieving your lip-plumping goals.

3.  Try Lip Augmentation

If you want to get fuller and more attractive lips, you need to go for a lip augmentation procedure. Research in recent years has led to the creation of several options for lip augmentation. If performed by a trained professional, this procedure can be relatively painless and safe, depending on the type of filler you select. Also, its effect can last from three months to two years.

Fortunately, fillers administered by trained doctors are smooth and look natural. Most individuals prefer hyaluronic acid fillers because it quickly absorbs into the system and starts working almost immediately. Furthermore, it doesn’t have side effects (unless you’re suffering from allergies) and will give you a natural look. That’s because it’s naturally found in your skin.

Final Words

Though you may not control aging or other factors that thin your lips, you can fight it through various ways and maintain fuller, plumper lips. Fortunately, the procedures for gaining these types of lips aren’t difficult. You just need to engage in healthy habits, apply products that your lips love, and undergo a lip augmentation procedure.