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Israel Figa Provides Tips for Avoiding Flu (Influenza)

Israel Figa Provides Tips for Avoiding Flu (Influenza)

Now that the winter season is here, a lot of people are extremely happy as they would be able to go on holidays. In winter seasons, one of the most prominent visitor and tourist spots are mountain and hilly areas where there is lots of snow to roam around and play with.

Whenever the winters are here, people rejoice as it welcomes the Christmas holidays and the time of joy and happiness. However, the same season causes a lot of terror and discomfort among people as many people fall prey to the colds and flus that become highly active during winters.

In winters, majority of the kids and elderly are found sick as they get attacked by the flu viruses no matter where they are.

Israel Figa Explains Influenza’s Terror in the United States

Israel Figa who is one of the most prominent doctors tells how scary the Influenza flu is for the Americans. He states that every year, the majority of Americans go into a state of panic due to the havoc run by Influenza.

Once people are infected by the Influenza Flu, they have no other option but to sit at home, take medicines and wait until the flu gets better. Worst case scenario, the flu ends up turning into a bacterial infection that is potentially fatal to health or Pneumonia.

This gets even worse for patients who have chronic conditions or are asthmatic. Israel Figa states that once the flu is no more, one must still take a lot of precautions to ensure he does not get it again because Influenza is not a simple virus but a pain as it tends to stick around for a while before getting flushed out of your boy.

Tips by Israel Figa to Stay Safe from Influenza Virus

As per Israel Figa, we should do whatever we can to keep ourselves protected from the Influenza virus so it does not catch up to us. Every year, millions of people end up getting influenza and majority of the people who are senior citizens end up catching it.

A lot of elder people do end up losing their lives due to Pneumonic or Chronic Conditions caused by Influenza. Therefore, we need to take extreme precautions to keep ourselves and our loved ones protected from this notorious disease.

This is where Israel Figa has found it to be his job and utmost responsibility to share his knowledge and provide people with tip and simple ways to ensure they keep themselves protected and out of harm.

Do Not Try To Get Out of the House

Israel Figa states that although the outside world becomes very tempting in winters, it is still recommended that one should try to remain in their house as much as possible. One should go outside only when it is extremely important to go outside.

By staying at home, you increase your chances of getting sick and getting a cold, which is the first step towards influenza. Not only this, but we should also encourage our family members, especially kids and elderly to stay at home as doing so will ensure that nothing bad is going to happen to their health.

You Need to Get As Much Vitamin D. As You Can

Israel Figa’s research on Vitamin D. has revealed that especially in the winter season, the levels of Vitamin D. in our body drop significantly. As a result, our body becomes more vulnerable to outside threats from viruses and other diseases as our immunity system weakens.

Therefore, Israel Figa strongly recommends that we ensure to increase our Vitamin D. intake in the winter season. Furthermore, the Health Institutes also recommend people to increase their Vitamin D. intake to 15 micrograms a day.

Additionally, we can also meet our daily Vitamin D. though egg yolks, mushrooms, milk, supplement, fortified OJ, and salmon (fish).

Eat More and More Probiotics and Produce

Israel Figa strongly believes that the usage of naturally produced products is way more useful than the artificially produced products. He states what can be better than the diet that keeps our immune system strong and helps us stay strong and away from any sickness.

Israel Figa recommends that we should focus on eating antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits. The anti-oxidant fruits and vegetables include products such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and blueberries. These products are proven to be very essential in fighting off flu viruses.

So whenever you are going to have food, you need to make sure that your pate is full of vegetables and fruits that can help you strengthen your immune system.

Do Not Forget To Get Your Flu Shots

As the Flu season has begun with the beginning of the month of November, therefore, it is extremely important to stay protected and cautious. Israel Figa states that whenever we take a flu shot , our bodies go into a protective mode by releasing antibodies. These antibodies are responsible for protecting our body against the major flus and viruses that can cause Pneumonia, Influenza , or any other Chronic diseases.

However, getting a vaccine shot does not mean that our body gets completely immune from small diseases. Some small flu viruses may still get through so it is very important to make sure we still take complete care of our bodies and our hygiene to avoid any sicknesses.

Your Hands May Also Become Your Enemy

Lastly, Israel Figa makes us of the worst case scenario where we do end up going somewhere where there are sick people and end up touching door knobs or railings while climbing up or down the stairs. Here, we have to be extra careful and ensure we wash our hands before we touch our face or eat food.

If we do not do it, we may end up eating or taking in the flu viruses that can make us fall very sick and bring our nightmares to life. It must be kept in mind that it is not only us who we are saving and protecting by doing this but the people as well who are around us.